The Futsal : Tricks and Skills

Asas Futsal

Dalam futsal ada beberapa elemen dasar yang harus difahami ketika bermain futsal, secara umum, tidak berbeza jauh dengan bermain bola sepak konvensional. Namun ada beberapa yang perlu dilakukakan. Berikut teknik-teknik asas futsal yang  perlu di kuasai oleh setiap pemain futsal:

1. Control Ball/Kawalan Bola
Teknik kawalan bola dalam permainan futsal dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kaki dalam, kaki luar dan telapak kaki sebelah depan memanfaatkan penggunaan kasut. Teknik mengontrol bola dengan kasut dalam futsal sangat penting sehingga harus dikuasai oleh setiap pemain.

2. Passing/Pengumpan
Permainan boleh dilakukan dengan menggunakan pelbagai sisi kaki. Semua bahagian boleh digunakan seperti kaki dalam, kaki luar, hujung kaki, tumit, atau sisi bawah. Namun yang paling baik adalah menggunakan kaki dalam dengan arah mendatar. Teknik ini memiliki akurasi paling baik di banding yang lainnya. Termasuk umpanan panjang yang menyusur padang dan juga yang paling penting ketepatan passing bola pada kawan.

Bermain Futsal tidak jauh beza dengan bermain bola sepak pada umumnya, yang penting kekuatan stamina, mental dan strategi. Ada sedikit perbezaan sedikit dalam aspek strategi permainan dan  serangan.

Pola permainan dalam Futsal banyak didominasi permainan kaki ke kaki, maksudnya strategi dalam bertahan, mahupun menyerang lebih banyak dilakukan dengan umpanan pendek, berdasarkan ukuran padang yang lebih kecil dibanding bolasepak. Dengan pola seperti ini skill dan susunan pemain terutama dalam mengawal bola, mengumpan, menjaga pertahanan dan menyerang ke kawasan lawan sangat diperlukan.
Didalam Futsal jarang sekali diterapkan umpanan panjang, strategi ini hanya membuang tenaga, disamping itu juga tidak mencerminkan permainan yang baik dan ingin dilihat . Namun demikian, bukannya dilarang atau tidak disarankan, terpulang kepada individu sendiri. Terciptanya formasi permainan yang cantik menerusi umpanan yang pendek dan tepat.

1. Penguasaan terhadap bola.
Untuk melatih penguasaan bola tahap pertama adalah dengan memfokuskan pada kekuatan dan kelincahan dalam pergerakan kaki, pemanasan badan sangat diperlukan, lakukan bersekali dengan dribling untuk menyelaraskan pergerakan kaki dan arah bola, boleh dilakukan dengan variasi zig-zag.

2. Komposisi Pemain.
Untuk membentuk satu team futsal yang bagus,  skill tiap-tiap pemain dalam aspek penguasaan bola harus utamakan, pengaturan serangan dan menyerang. Tempatkan pemain yang memiliki model pergerakan kaki yang rapat sebagai pemain bertahan, rapat di sini maksudnya model pergerakan kakinya yang tidak terlalu panjang, perkara ini lebih berguna untuk menahan laju pergerakan bola lawan, dan sebaliknya,  pemain dengan pergerakan panjang lebih dimanfaatkan sebagai penyerang.  Untuk pemain tengah diperlukan pemain yang memiliki kemampuan mengatur serangan dan yang lebih diutamakan adalah kemampuan stamina yang paling tinggi, dimana posisinya memerlukan pemain melakukan penyerangan dan bertahan

3. Teknik dan Pola Permainan.
Jumlah pemain Futsal bisa dilakukan 5 atau 6 orang termasuk penjaga gawang. Penempatan posisi pemain berdasarkan karekter dan gaya permainan masing-masing  akan lebih menyeimbangkan pola dalam bertahan maupun menyerang,  posisi yang bisa diterapkan sebagai berikut.
Jumlah pemain 5 orang :  Pola 1-2-2

How to shoot ball with great technique in futsal court

First touch is crucial. Watch all the world class players & you will notice benefits of a true first touch. World class players have the skill to bring the ball under control quickly while moving the ball away from defender & in to space. But what ever level you play, you cannot afford to waste additional time taking an additional touch to control the ball.

Things to keep in mind

The most straightforward & effective of controlling the ball. If done correctly the ball will be under your control on the ground. It is vital to note that your first touch ought to move the ball away from the defender & onto space, secondly you ought to know where to take your your before you get the ball & keep the ball moving. all player ought to be able to control the ball with both feet.
  1.  Get in position early & try not to put all of your weight through standing leg. In the event you stand lightly on the balls of your feet, this enables you react if the ball takes an award bounce.
  2.  Watch the ball onto your foot & cushion the impact by pulling your foot back slightly.  Sole of the foot
  3.  Try to guide in to to your stride than get the ball stuck under your feet. If the ball is to close to your body it allows defenders to close you down while you have an additional touch.

Dos & Don'ts

The with sole of the foot control is often used to control a bouncing ball. It takes great concentration to make use of the sole of the foot due to less surface area. It is vital not to stab the ball, also not to have your foot to far off the ground. this for of control can be very effective in poor climatic conditions or on a bouncy pitch. A enjoyable way to train this method is to play futsal.
don't take your eye off the ball
  • practice both feet
  • keep the ball moving
  • use the side foot control where ever feasible
  • move the ball away from defenders
  • know what to do with the ball before you get the ball

Stamina is of the most important attributes for futsal players. The high level of stamina of a futsal player means:

Longer leg freshness of futsal players in the work of a match;
Better chance to win the game, because of the ability to continue playing in high tempo until the very finish of the game;
  • Ability to think sharp and longer on the pitch brain works slower, when body is exhausted; 
  • Don't forget about the strength of a heart and due to overall health of futsal player. As a result better performances, better morale and lower risk of injuries!

The Perfect Pedal Stroke

How to get the most energy from each crank revolution ?
Pedaling in a simple circle is a complex thing, but mastering it can save energy, says Todd Carver, biomechanist at Colorado's Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. He says that with proper ankling (shown here; not the injury-causing technique of the past), riders can churn out the same amount of power at a heart rate as many as five beats per minute lower. This stroke is for flat terrain at threshold, or time trial, intensity.

Hip-Knee-Ankle Alignment Viewed from the front, your hip, knee and ankle should line up throughout the pedal stroke. "You don't want knee wobble," says Carver. "Just think pistons, straight up and down." If you can't correct this, or if you experience knee pain when you try to restrict lateral movement, you may need orthotics or another type of biomechanical adjustment.

Zone 1 Known as the power phase, the portion of the pedal stroke from 12 o'clock to about 5 o'clock is the period of greatest muscle activity. "A lot of people think hamstrings are used only on the upstroke," says Carver, "but a good cyclist uses a lot of hamstring in the downstroke, because it extends the hip." The key to accessing the large muscles in the back of your leg is dropping your heel as you come over the top of the stroke, says Carver. "At 12 o'clock, your toes should be pointed down about 20 degrees, but as you come over the top, start dropping that heel so that it's parallel to the ground or even 10 degrees past parallel by the time you get to 3 o'clock." The biggest mistake Carver sees in novice riders: not dropping the heel enough in Zone 1.

Zone 2 Using the same muscles as in the power phase, but to a lesser degree, this phase acts as a transition to the backstroke. "As you enter Zone 2, think about firing the calf muscles to point your toe," Carver says. As you come through the bottom of the stroke, the toe should be pointed down 20 degrees. "This ankling technique transfers some of the energy developed in Zone 1 by the bigger muscles to the crank," Carver says. He uses the advice popularized by Greg LeMond: "Act like you're scraping mud off the bottom of your shoe."

Zone 3 Even though you feel like you're pulling your foot through the back of the stroke, you're not. "When you look at even the best cyclists, they're losing power on the upstroke," says Carver. "The pedal is actually pushing your leg up, so the goal is to lose as little power as possible and get that foot out of the way." One fun way to improve the efficiency of your upstroke: mountain biking. "The terrain keeps you honest," Carver says. "If you're focusing only on the downstroke, you'll lose traction and fall off your bike in steep sections." As for other exercises, Carver advises against single-leg pedal drills--"for recreation-level riders, they injure more people than they help"--but recommends hamstring and glute-strengthening lifts, as well as squats, "done correctly, in a squat rack with someone showing you how."

Wasiat Imam Syafie