Seandainya Rasulullah Bersamamu Sekarang Apa Yang Akan Kamu Katakan Padanya

Ketibaan Maulidur Rasul semakin hangat terasa. Meskipun bukanlah hanya ketika tibanya hari keputeraan Rasulullah kita wajib mengingati baginda, tetapi kehadirannya semakin meningkatkan ingatan dan cinta yang sentiasa tersemat di hati. Di sini saya ingin berkongsi sebuah video yang sering membuatkan pipi ini basah setiap kali menghayatinya. Di harap ada juga dapat merasai perkara yang sama. InsyaAllah..

Subhanallah…Begitu hebat jiwa seorang insan agung yang wajib kita cintai ini. Mari kita susuli pula saat-saat berakhirnya riwayat baginda.
Daripada Ibnu Mas’ud r.a., bahawasanya dia berkata: “Ketika ajal Rasulullah saw sudah dekat, baginda mengumpul kami di rumah Siti Aishah r.a
Kemudian baginda memandang kami sambil berlinangan air matanya, lalu bersabda: Marhaban bikum, semoga Allah memanjangkan umur kamu semua, semoga Allah menyayangi, menolong dan memberikan petunjuk kepada kamu. Aku berwasiat kepada kamu, agar bertakwa kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya aku adalah sebagai pemberi peringatan untuk kamu. Janganlah kamu berlaku sombong terhadap Allah.”
“Allah berfirman: Kebahagiaan dan kenikmatan di akhirat kami jadikan untuk orang-orang yang tidak ingin menyombongkan dirinya dan membuat kerosakan di muka bumi. Dan kesudahan syurga itu bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa.”
Kemudian kami bertanya: “Bilakah ajal baginda ya Rasulullah?”
Baginda menjawab: “Ajalku telah hampir, dan akan pindah ke hadrat Allah, ke Sidratulmuntaha dan ke Jannatul Makwa serta ke Arsyila.”
Kami bertanya: “Bagaimana nanti kami mengafani baginda ya Rasulullah?”
Baginda menjawab: “Dengan bajuku ini atau pakaian Yamaniyah.”
Kami bertanya: “Siapakah yang mensolatkan baginda di antara kami?” Kami menangis dan Rasulullah saw pun turut menangis.
Kemudian baginda bersabda: “Tenanglah, semoga Allah mengampuni kamu semua. Apabila kamu semua telah memandikan dan mengafaniku, maka letaklah aku di atas tempat tidurku, di dalam rumahku ini, di tepi liang kuburku. Kemudian keluarlah kamu semua dari sisiku. Maka yang pertama-tama mensolatkan aku adalah sahabatku Jibril as. Kemudian Mikail, kemudian Israfil kemudian Malaikat Izrail (Malaikat Maut) beserta bala tenteranya.
Kemudian masuklah anda dengan sebaik-baiknya. Dan hendaklah yang mula solat adalah kaum lelaki dari pihak keluargaku, kemudian yang wanita-wanitanya, dan kemudian kamu semua.”
Semenjak hari itu, Rasulullah saw bertambah sakitnya yang ditanggungnya selama 18 hari. Setiap hari, ramai yang mengunjungi baginda, sampailah datangnya hari Isnin, disaat baginda menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir. Sehari menjelang baginda wafat iaitu pada hari Ahad, penyakit baginda semakin bertambah serius. Pada hari itu, setelah Bilal bin Rabah selesai mengumandangkan azannya, dia berdiri di depan pintu rumah Rasulullah, kemudian memberi salam:
“Assalamualaikum ya Rasulullah?”
Kemudian dia berkata lagi: “Assolah yarhamukallah.”
Fatimah menjawab: “Rasulullah dalam keadaan sakit.”
Maka kembalilah Bilal ke dalam masjid. Ketika bumi terang disinari matahari siang, maka Bilal datang lagi ke tempat Rasulullah, lalu dia berkata seperti perkataan yang tadi.
Kemudian Rasulullah memanggilnya dan menyuruh dia masuk. Setelah Bilal bin Rabah masuk,
Rasulullah saw bersabda: “Saya sekarang berada dalam keadaan sakit. Wahai Bilal, kamu perintahkan sahaja agar Abu Bakar menjadi imam dalam solat.”
Maka keluarlah Bilal sambil meletakkan tangan di atas kepalanya sambil berkata: “Aduhai, alangkah baiknya bila aku tidak dilahirkan ibuku?” Kemudian dia memasuki masjid dan memberitahu Abu Bakar agar beliau menjadi imam dalam solat tersebut. Ketika Abu Bakar r.a. melihat ke tempat Rasulullah SAW yang kosong, sebagai seorang lelaki yang lemah lembut, dia tidak dapat menahan perasaannya lagi, lalu dia menjerit dan akhirnya dia pengsan. Orang-orang yang berada di dalam masjid menjadi bising sehingga terdengar oleh Rasulullah saw.
Baginda bertanya: “Wahai Fatimah, suara apakah yang bising itu?”
Siti Fatimah menjawab: “Orang-orang menjadi bising dan bingung kerana Rasulullah saw tidak ada bersama mereka.”
Kemudian Rasulullah saw memanggil Ali bin Abi Talib dan Abbas r.a. Sambil dibimbing oleh mereka berdua, maka baginda berjalan menuju ke masjid. Baginda solat dua rakaat.
Setelah itu baginda melihat kepada orang ramai dan bersabda: “Ya ma aasyiral Muslimin, kamu semua berada dalam pemeliharaan dan perlindungan Allah. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah penggantiku atas kamu semua, setelah aku tiada. Aku berwasiat kepada kamu semua agar bertakwa kepada Allah SWT kerana aku akan meninggalkan dunia yang fana ini. Hari ini adalah hari pertamaku memasuki alam akhirat, dan sebagai hari terakhirku berada di alam dunia ini.”

Keputeraan Nabi Muhammad saw

Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi Muhammad saw, ahli keluarga dan sahabat Baginda sekeliannya, bersempena Hari Keputeraan Baginda 1425 Hijrah. 
1. "Ya ALLAH, semoga ENGKAU limpahkan kesejahteraan ke atas Penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad saw dengan selawat yang dapat melapangkan rezeki kami dan jadi baiknya akhlak kami, serta curahkan rahmat dan kesejahteraan ke atas keluarga dan sahabat Baginda sekeliannya."
2. "Ya ALLAH, limpahkan sepenuh rahmat dan sesempurna kesejahteraan ke atas penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad saw yang dengannya terungkai segala simpulan dan terhapus segala kesusahan dan termakbul segala hajat dan tercapai segala harapan dan cantiknya segala kesudahan, serta diharapkan turun hujan dengan berkat wajahnya yang mulia. Dan kesejahteraan ke atas keluarga dan sahabat Baginda sekeliannya pada setiap detik waktu dan tarikan nafas dan setiap yang termaklum oleh MU."
3. "Ya ALLAH, kurniakan rahmat dan kesejahteraan ke atas penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad saw yang mudah-mudahan dapat mengubati hati (umat) dan menjadi penawar dan menyihatkan badan dan menyembuhkan segala penyakit dan memberi cahaya penglihatan dan menyinarinya. Dan juga limpahkan rahmat dan kesejahteraan ke atas keluarga dan sahabat Baginda sekeliannya."
4. "Ya ALLAH, limpahkan kesejahteraan, keselamatan dan keberkatan ke atas junjungan kami Nabi Muhammad saw dan ke atas keluarganya sebanyak bilangan rezeki dan pintu rezeki, Wahai ZAT yang MENGANUGERAHKAN rezeki yang luas untuk kami yang datang dari setiap arah perbendaharaan MU yang ghaib dengan tiada makhluk lain yang iri hati (hasad dengki), hanya dari anugerah dan kedermawanan MU jua, Wahai ZAT Yang Maha PEMURAH."
5. Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad saw, adalah ketika tanah Arab dalam keadaan gelap, keliru, musyrik, pertarungan dan pertentangan berlaku antara puak.
Nabi Muhammad saw berjaya membersihkan umatnya dari beraneka kejahatan dan kerosakan,
Nabi Muhammad saw mengubah puak yang biadab menjadi yang beradab.
Rasulullah saw tidak meninggalkan kekayaan dan harta bertimbun,
walau pun menjadi ketua pemerintahan negara Islam yang pertama, Nabi Muhammad saw tidak salah guna kuasa,
walau pun menjadi ketua pemerintahan negara Islam yang pertama, Nabi Muhammad saw tidak menyeleweng,
walau pun menjadi ketua pemerintahan negara Islam yang pertama, Nabi Muhammad saw tidak lakukan nepotisme, kolusi, kronisme dan rasuah,
Rasulullah saw hanya meninggalkan Al-Quran dan Sunnahnya untuk dipegang, diikuti, disambung perjuangannya dan ditegakkan di mana-mana.
Al-Quran adalah mukjizat terbesar Nabi Muhammad saw.
6. Akhlak Nabi Muhammad saw, adalah terkenal dengan jujur dan amanahnya.
Nabi Muhammad saw jujur dalam memperjuangkan Islam,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak pernah berbohong,
Nabi Muhammad saw benar dalam perbuatannya,
Nabi Muhammad saw membawa kebaikan pada umat,
Nabi Muhammad saw menyempurnakan akhlak masyarakat,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak merosakkan umat,
Nabi Muhammad saw kasihan pada yang lemah dan para remaja,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak menyesatkan umat,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak merasuah umat,
Nabi Muhammad saw adil pada rakyat,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak memganiaya rakyat,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak menakut-nakutkan rakyat,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak menzalimi rakyat melalui ISA,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak khianat harta rakyat,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak pecah amanah wang negara,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak menyeleweng dan salah guna kuasa,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak mengabui dan melalaikan rakyat,
Nabi Muhammad saw tidak mengamalkan teori machiaveli,

Lompat Tinggi

Pemenang pingat emas iaitu Ethel Catherwooddari Kanada membuat gaya gunting di Sukan Olimpik Musim Panas 1928. Rekodnya ialah 1.59 meter.


Acara lompat tinggi begitu popular dalam mana-mana kejohanan sukan olahraga. Ia adalah salah satu acara padang yang memerlukan para peserta melompat melepasi palang. Palang tersebut diletakkan di antara dua tiang tegak.
Dalam pertandingan, palang akan dinaikkan setelah peserta berjaya melepasi ketinggian palang yang diletakkan. Setiap peserta akan diberi peluang sebanyak tiga kali untuk melakukan lompatan lompatan melepasi sesuatu ketinggian palang. Sekiranya peserta gagal sebanyak tiga kali berturut-turut, maka dia dikira gagal. Para peserta yang menyertai acara ini perlu melompat setinggi yang dapat dilakukan, untuk menentukan kemenangan mereka dalam acara tersebut.

Fail:Mens high jump world record progression.jpg



Asas lompatan yang baik adalah kebolehan peserta untuk menukar momentum tegak yang akan menaikkan badan peserta melepasi palang. Oleh itu, penujuan dan lonjakan yang tepat sangat penting dalam acara lompat tinggi. Gaya-gaya lompat tinggi yang biasa digunakan oleh peserta ialah gaya gunting, gaya timur, gaya guling barat, gaya pelana, dan gaya Fosbury Flop.

Dalam abad ke-19 , peserta lompat tinggi melompat dan mendarat di atas tanah yang berumput dengan menggunakan gaya gunting, iaitu dengan cara membelakang. Gaya ini banyak mendatangkan kecederaan kepada para peserta. Peserta yang menggunakan gaya Fosbury Flop telah berjaya mencatatkan rekod dalam acara lompat tinggi. Biasanya atlet yang mengambil bahagian dalam acara lompat tinggi mempunyai susuk badan yang kurus dan tinggi lampai.

Latihan dan Alat Bantu
Anda yang ingin mengambil bahagian dalam acara ini, perlu berlatih untuk memantapkan gaya dan cara larian yang konsisten. Kemudian barulah anda boleh mempelajari pula fasa lonjakan(take-off), layangan, dan mendarat. Alat-alat bantu seperti tilam ketangkasan, tali menggantung bola (latih melonjak), skitel, tandaan, tali palang, dan tiang adalah sangat diperlukan untuk memberi daya keyakinan.

Anda perlu membuat latihan dengan aras ketinggian mula yang rendah, kerana latihan yang sedemikian akan meyakinkan diri dan membetulkan teknik lari, lonjak, layang, dan mendarat.

Gaya Fosbury

Dalam gaya Fosbury Flop misalnya, larian konsisten, kelembutan, lentikan, anjalan, dan koordinasi adalah perkara yang sangat dititikberatkan, untuk mencipta sesuatu lompatan yang lebih tinggi dan sempurna.

Sepak Takraw

Sepak takraw (Malay: sepak takraw also known as sepak raga; Tamil: "செபக் தக்ரா" or "கால் கட்டைப்பந்தட்டம்"; Thai: ตะกร้อ,RTGS: takro; Lao: ກະຕໍ້ "ka-taw"; Filipino: "sipa"; Vietnamese: "cầu mây"),[1] or kick volleyball, is a sport native to the Malay-Thai Peninsula.[2] Sepak takraw differs from the similar sport of volleyball in its use of a rattan ball and only allowing players to use their feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball. It is a popular sport in Southeast Asia. In Malaysia, the game is called sepak raga or "takraw". It is also thuck thay (Lao: "twine" and "kick")[1] while in Thailand it is sometimes called takraw. In Myanmar it is known as chin lone. In the Philippines it is known as sipa, meaning "kick".

Similar games include footbag net, footvolley, football tennis, bossaball, jianzi and sipa. These similar games all involve keepie uppies.


"Sepak" is the Malay word for kick and "takraw" is the Thai word for a woven ball, therefore sepak takraw quite literally means to kick ball. The choosing of this name for the sport was essentially a compromise between Malaysia and Thailand, the two powerhouse countries of the sport.


Earliest historical evidence shows that the game was played in the 15th century's Malacca Sultanate, for it is mentioned in the Malay historical text, "Sejarah Melayu" (Malay Annals).[4]The Malay Annals described in details the incident of Raja Muhammad, a son of Sultan Mansur Shah who was accidentally hit with a rattan ball by Tun Besar , a son of Tun Perak, in aSepak raga game. The ball hit Raja Muhammad's headgear and knocked it down to the ground. In anger, Raja Muhammad immediately stabbed and killed Tun Besar, whereupon some of Tun Besar's kinsmen retaliated and wanted to kill Raja Muhammad. However, Tun Perak managed to restrain them from such an act of treason by saying that he would no longer accept Raja Muhammad as the Sultan's heir. As a result of this incident, Sultan Mansur Shah ordered his son out of Malacca and had him installed as the ruler of Pahang.

In Indonesia, sepak takraw was spread from nearby Malacca across the strait to Riau islands and Riau area in Sumatra as early as 16th century, where it is also called as Sepak Ragain local Malay tongue, at that time some of Sumatran areas were part of Malacca sultanate. From there the Malay people spread across archipelago and introduced the game to Buginese people in Sulawesi. Then the game is developed as Buginese traditional game which is called "Raga" (the players are called "Pa'Raga"). The "Raga" can trace its origin fromMalacca Sultanate,and was popular in South Sulawesi since 19th century. Some men playing "Raga" encircling within a group, the ball is passed from one to another and the man who kicked the ball highest is the winner. "Raga" is also played for fun by demonstrating some tricks, such as kicking the ball and putting it on top of player's head holds by tengkolok bugis (Bugis cloth headgear similar to Malay tanjak).

In Bangkok, murals at Wat Phra Kaeo which was built in 1785, depict the Hindu god Hanuman playing sepak takraw in a ring with a troop of monkeys. Other historical accounts mention the game earlier during the reign of King Naresuan (1590–1605) of Ayutthaya. The game remained in its circle form for hundreds of years, and the modern version of sepak takraw began taking shape in Thailand sometime during early 1740s. In 1866 the Siam Sports Association drafted the first rules for takraw competition.[citation needed] Four years later, the association introduced the volleyball-style net and held the first public contest. Within just a few years, takraw was introduced to the curriculum in Siamese schools. The game became such a cherished local custom that another exhibition of volleyball-style takraw was staged to celebrate the kingdom’s first constitution in 1933, the year after Thailand abolished absolute monarchy. In the Philippines the sport was called "sipa" and along with traditional martial arts survived the three century Spanish colonization. It is a popular sport played by children in Philippines, this is their national sport. Sepak Takraw is included in Philippine's elementary and highschool curriculum.In Myanmar, or Burma, it was dubbed "Chinlone", in Laos "Kator", "cầu mây" in Vietnam and in Indonesia "Raga" or "Sepak Takraw".

It is believed that many variations of the game evolved from an ancient Chinese military exercise, where soldiers would try to keep a feathered shuttlecock airborne by kicking it back and forth between two people. As the sport developed, the animal hide and chicken feathers were eventually replaced by balls made of woven strips of rattan The first versions of sepak takraw were not so much of a competition, but rather cooperative displays of skill designed to exercise the body, improve dexterity and loosen the limbs after long periods of sitting, standing or working.

The modern version of sepak takraw is fiercely competitive and began taking shape in Thailand almost 200 years ago. In 1829, the Siam Sports Association drafted the first rules for the game Four years later, the association introduced the volleyball-style net and held the first public contest. Within just a few years, sepak takraw was introduced to the Physical Training curriculum in schools By the 1940s, the net version of the game had spread throughout Southeast Asia, and formal rules were introduced. This sport became officially known as 'sepak takraw'.


International play is now governed by ISTAF, the International Sepak Takraw Federation. The King's Cup World Championships are held every year in Thailand. Sepak takraw is now a regular sport event in the Asian Games and the Southeast Asian Games.


Canadians have founded their own "Sepak Takraw Association of Canada"(STAC) on December 11, 1998. This was due to Rick Engel, the current president of STAC. STAC


A Japan team composed of BURAT university students debuted—along with the sports itself—at the 1990 Asian Games in Beijing. While there are no professional teams in Japan, colleges such as Asia University, Chiba University, Waseda University and Keio University have formed their own teams.[9]

United States

The earliest accounts of organized takraw in the United States involve a group of students from Northrop University (Greg St. Pierre, Thomas Gong, Joel "big bird" Nelson, and Mark Kimitsuka) in 1986 in Inglewood, California, learning about and playing the sport in Los Angeles.[10] Malaysian students attending the University often enjoyed playing the sport on a court on top of the dormitory cafeteria. They taught a handful of curious American students how to play, which in turn inspired the Malaysian Airline system to sponsor a U.S. team from the university to attend the National Tournament in Kuala Lumpur in November 1987. The Northrop team played in a bracket of international new teams with Korea, Sri Lanka, and Australia. The U.S. team beat Sri Lanka and Australia to bring home the gold.

Takraw really began to take off, however, in the late 1980s when Kurt Sonderegger, an American working in Switzerland, met a fellow American who showed him a bouncy ball made of woven strips of rattan. The traveller told Sonderegger that the ball was from Thailand and gave him the ball as a gift. Sonderegger was a soccer fan, and takraw had an immediate appeal to him. On a whim, Sonderegger booked a trip to Thailand to find out more. While in Thailand, Sonderegger discovered the actual sport of sepak takraw and was hooked. Los Angeles's Asian community and Northrop's team had already established a takraw community in and around L.A. Sonderegger moved to Los Angeles, founded the United States Takraw Association, and started a business that sold plastic takraw balls. In 1989, he was sent an invitation from the International Sepak Takraw Federation, and Kurt along with a few of the Northrop group traveled to represent the United States in the World Championships. The team was beaten badly but the takraw world was enchanted with the fact that non-Asian teams had competed at the World Championships

Rules and regulations

Measurements of court and equipment often vary among tournaments and organizations that operate from a recreational to a competitive level; international competitive rules and regulation are used in this section. There two types of event categories: the regu and the doubles regu. The regu category is played by three players on each team while the doubles regu is played by two players on each team.


Sepak is the Malay word for "kick". Takraw is the Thai word for the hand-woven rattan ball originally used in the game. So the game is essentially "kick ball". Regu is Malay for "team" (four people, three starters, and one substitute player).


Sepak Takraw court diagram

The sepak takraw sport is played on a similar to badminton double sized court.

Area of 13.4 by 6.1 metres (44 × 20 ft) free from all obstacles up to the height of 8 metres (26 ft) measured from the floor surface (sand and grass court not advisable). The width of the lines bounding the court should not be more than 4 centimetres (1.6 in) measured and drawn inwards from the edge of the court measurements. All the boundary lines should be drawn at least 3.0 metres (9.8 ft) away from all obstacles. The centre line of 2 cm (0.79 in) should be drawn equally dividing the right and left court. At the corner of each at the center line, the quarter circle shall be drawn from the sideline to the center line with a radius of 0.9 metres (2 ft 11 in) measured and drawn outwards from the edge of the 0.9 m radius. The service circle of 0.3 m radius shall be drawn on the left and on the right court, the center of which is 2.45 m from the back line of the court and 3.05 m from the sidelines, the 0.04 m line shall be measured and

drawn outward from the edge of the 0.3 m radius


The net shall be made of fine ordinary cord or nylon with 6 cm to 8 cm mesh. Similar to a volleyball net.

The net shall be 0.7 m in width and not shorter than 6.10 m in length and taped at 0.05 m from tape double at the top and sideline, called boundary tape. The net shall be edged with 0.05 m tape double at the top and the bottom of the net supported by a fine ordinary cord or nylon cord that runs through the tape and strain over and flush with the top of the posts. The top of the net shall be 1.52 m (1.42 m for women) in height from the center and 1.55 m (1.45 m for women's) at the posts.


A sepak takraw ball made out of rattan The sepak takraw ball shall be spherical in shape, made of synthetic fiber or one woven layer. Sepak takraw balls without synthetic rubber covering must have 12 holes and 20 intersections, must have a circumference measuring not less from 42–44 cm (17–17 in) for men and from 43–45 cm (17–18 in) for women, and must have a weight that ranges from 170–180 g (6.0–6.3 oz) for men and from 150–160 g (5.3–5.6 oz) for women. The ball can be in plain single colour, multi-colour, and luminous colours, but not in any colour that will impair the performance of the players. The sepak takraw ball can also be constructed of synthetic rubber or soft durable material for covering the ball, for the purpose of softening the impact of the ball on the player’s body. The type of material and method used for constructing the ball or for covering the ball with rubber or soft durable covering must be approved by ISTAF before it can be used for any competition. All world, international, and regional competitions sanctioned by International Sepak Takraw Federation, including but not limited to, theOlympic Games, World Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and SEA Games, must be played with ISTAF approved sepak takraw balls.


A match is played by two regus (teams), each consisting of three players. One of the three players shall be at the back; he is called a “Tekong”. The other two players shall be in front, one on the left and the other on the right. The player on the left is called a “Left Inside” and the player on the right is called a “Right Inside”

Start of play and service

The side that must serve first shall start the first set. The side that wins the first set shall have the options of “Choosing Service”. The throw must be executed as soon as the referee calls the score. If either of the "Inside" players throws the ball before the referee calls the score, it must be re-thrown and a warning will be given to the thrower. During the service, as soon as the Tekong kicks the ball, all the players are allowed to move about freely in their respective courts. The service is valid if the ball passes over the net, whether it touches the net or not, and inside the boundary of the two net tapes and boundary lines of the opponent’s court.


Serving side during service The "Inside" player who is making service throws, plays about with the ball (throwing up the ball, bumping, giving to other "Inside" player, etc.) after the call of score has been made by the referee.The "Inside" player lifts his feet or steps on the line or crosses over or touches the net while throwing the ball.The Tekong jumps off the ground to execute the service.The Tekong does not kick the ball on the service throw.The ball touches his own player before crossing over the opponent court.The ball goes over the net but falls outside the court.The ball does not cross to the opponent side. A player uses his hand or hands, or any other part of his arms to facilitate the execution of a kick even if the hand or arm does not directly touch the ball, but it touches other objects or surfaces instead when doing so. Serving and receiving side during service Creating distracting manner or noise or shouting at his opponent. For both sides during the game Any player who touches the ball on the opponent side. Any part of player's body crosses over into opponent's court whether above or under the net except during the follow-through of the ball. Playing the ball more than 3 times in succession. The ball touches the arm Stopping or holding the ball under the arm, between the legs or body. Any part of the body or player's outfits e.g. shoes, jersey, head band etc., touches the net or the post or the referee's chairs or falls into the opponent's side. The ball touches the ceiling, roof or the wall (any objects)

Scoring system

When either serving side or receiving side commits a fault, a point is awarded to the opponent side including making next service. The winning point for a set is 21 points, unless the point is tied at 20–20, the set shall be decided on a difference of two points, up to a ceiling of 25 points. When the score is tied at 20–20, the referee announces “Setting up to 25 points”. The game is played in 2 sets with 2-minute rest in between. If each "Regu" wins one set, the game shall be decided in the third set called "Tiebreak" with 15 points unless the point is tied at 14-14, then the set shall be decided on a difference of two points, up to a ceiling of 17 points. When the score is tied at 14-14, the referee announces “Setting up to 17 points”. Before the tiebreak set takes place, the referee shall toss a disc or coin, and the side winning the toss shall have the option of “Choosing Service”. The change of sides takes place when one “Regu” reaches 8 points

Team Handball

Handball (also known as team handball, Olympic handball, European handball, or Borden ball[1]) is a team sport in which two teams of seven players each (six outfield players and a goalkeeper) pass a ball to throw it into the goal of the other team. A standard match consists of two periods of 30 minutes, and the team with the most goals scored wins.

Modern handball is usually played indoors, but outdoor variants exist in the forms of field handball and Czech handball (which were more common in the past) and beach handball (also called sandball).

The games known as American handball and Gaelic handball are completely different sports from team handball, sharing similarities - a single small ball, two, or at most four players, walled court, methods of play - instead with sports such as squash, racketball and pelota.

The game is quite fast and includes body contact as the defenders try to stop the attackers from approaching the goal. Contact is only allowed when the defensive player is completely in front of the offensive player, i.e. between the offensive player and the goal. This is referred to as a player sandwich. Any contact from the side or especially from behind is considered dangerous and is usually met with penalties. When a defender successfully stops an attacking player, the play is stopped and restarted by the attacking team from the spot of the infraction or on the nine meter line. Unlike in basketball where players are allowed to commit only 5 fouls in a game (6 in the NBA), handball players are allowed an unlimited number of "faults", which are considered good defence and disruptive to the attacking team's rhythm.

Goals are scored quite frequently; usually both teams score at least 20 goals each, and it is not uncommon for both teams to score more than 30 goals. This was not true in the earliest history of the game, when the scores were more akin to that of ice hockey[clarification needed]. But, as offensive play has improved since the late 1980s, particularly the use of counterattacks (fast breaks) after a failed attack from the other team, goal scoring has increased.

Origins and development

There are records of handball-like games in medieval France, and among the Inuit in Greenland, in the Middle Ages. By the 19th century, there existed similar games of håndbold fromDenmark, házená in the Czech Republic, hádzaná in Slovakia, gandbol in Ukraine, torball in Germany, as well as versions in Uruguay.

The team handball game of today was formed by the end of the 19th century in northern Europe, primarily Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The modern set of team Handball rules was published on 29 October 1917 by Max Heiser, Karl Schelenz, and Erich Konigh from Germany. After 1919 these rules were improved by Karl Schelenz. The first international games were played under these rules, between Germany and Belgium for men in 1925 and between Germany and Austria for women in 1930. Therefore modern handball is generally seen as a game of German origins.

In 1926, the Congress of the International Amateur Athletics Federation nominated a committee to draw up international rules for field handball. The International Amateur Handball Federation was formed in 1928, and the International Handball Federation was formed in 1946.

Men's field handball was played at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. During the next several decades, indoor handball flourished and evolved in the Scandinavian countries. The sport re-emerged onto the world stage as team handball for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. Women's team handball was added at the 1976 Summer Olympics. Due to its popularity in the region, the Eastern European countries that refined the event became the dominant force in the sport when it was reintroduced.

The International Handball Federation organized the men's world championship in 1938 and every 4 (sometimes 3) years from World War II to 1995. Since the 1995 world championship in Iceland, the competition has been every two years. The women's world championship has been played since 1957. The IHF also organizes women's and men's junior world championships. By July 2009, the IHF listed 166 member federations - approximately 795,000 teams and 19 million players.


Unless otherwise noted, the rules described are the official international rules[2] provided by the International Handball Federation (IHF).


The handball playing field is similar to an indoor soccer field. Two teams of seven players (six field players plus one goalkeeper) take the field and attempt to score points by putting the game ball into the opposing team's goal. In handling the ball, players are subject to the following restrictions:

After receiving the ball, players can only hold the ball for three seconds before passing, dribbling (similar to a basketball dribble), or shooting.

After receiving the ball, players can take up to three steps without dribbling. If players dribble, they may take an additional three steps.

Players that stop dribbling have three seconds to pass or shoot. They may take three additional steps during this time.

No players other than the defending goalkeeper are allowed within the goal line (within 6 meters of the goal). Goalkeepers are allowed outside this line.

Playing field

Handball is played on a court 40 by 20 metres (130 × 66 ft), with a goal in the center of each end. The goals are surrounded by a near-semicircular area, called the zone or the crease, defined by a line six meters from the goal. A dashed near-semicircular line nine meters from the goal marks the free-throw line. Each line on the court is part of the area it encompasses. This implies that the middle line belongs to both halves at the same time.


Each goal has a rectangular clearance area of three meters in the width and two meters in the height. It must be securely bolted either to the floor or the wall behind.

The goal posts and the crossbar must be made out of the same material (e.g. wood or aluminium) and feature a quadratic cross section with a side of 8 cm (3 in). The three sides of the beams visible from the playing field must be painted alternatingly in two contrasting colors which both have to contrast against the background. The colors on both goals must be the same.

Each goal must feature a net. This must be fastened in such a way that a ball thrown into does not leave or pass the goal under normal circumstances. If necessary, a second net may be clasped to the back of the net on the inside.


The goals are surrounded by the crease. This area is delimited by two quarter circles with a radius of six meters around the far corners of each goal post and a connecting line parallel to the goal line. Only the defending goalkeeper is allowed inside this zone. However, the court players may catch and touch the ball in the air within it as long as the player starts his jump outside the zone and releases the ball before he lands (landing inside the perimeter is allowed in this case).

If a player contacts the ground inside the goal perimeter he must take the most direct path out of it. However, should a player cross the zone in an attempt to gain an advantage (e.g. better position) his team cedes the ball. Similarly, violation of the zone by a defending player is only penalized if he does so to gain an advantage in defending.

Substitution area

Outside of one long edge of the playing field to both sides of the middle line are the substitution areas for each team. The areas usually contain the benches as seating opportunities. Team officials, substitutes and suspended players must wait within this area. The area always lies to the same side as the team's own goal. During half-time substitution areas are swapped. Any player entering or leaving the play must cross the substitution line which is part of the side line and extends 4.5 meters from the middle line to the team's side.